InDesign Training Classes (2-DAYS)


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InDesign Training Classes (2-DAYS) - Intermediate

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This two-day Adobe InDesign training course is designed for individuals who already know the fundamentals of InDesign and want to learn more advanced functions to improve speed, productivity, and accuracy. This is the second class in our series of InDesign classes and you'll learn more advanced styles, text formatting, graphics controls, and output in this advanced InDesign training class instructed by Adobe Certified Experts .
InDesign Training Classes (2-DAYS) - Introduction

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This in-depth Adobe InDesign training course will get you up-and-running in just two days. This is the entry level course of all our InDesign classes, and you'll learn how to use InDesign to create master pages, work with text and type, create styles, and use graphics in this training class.
InDesign Training Classes (2-DAYS) - Advanced

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This Adobe InDesign training course is for you if you understand the basics of InDesign and want to master the application, improve your skills, and increase your productivity. This is the highest-level of our InDesign classes, and helps you master the text-handling capabilities of InDesign, the advanced features, document layout and template building, long document features, and the essentials of InDesign’s XML capabilities. You will also discover how to create interactive documents for online distribution

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Training Classes

Advanced, Intermediate, Introduction


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